I have to say, I really love the way they made this season. They took out the CGI transformations and made the art 10x better. I really enjoy watching this season. I hope they redo the first a second season transformations so that they look like this season.
Michiru and Haruka finally show up in this season and the scenes between them and Haruka and Usagi are so cute! Haruka and Usagi aren't my top OTP, one true paring, in this anime but they sure are cute in this season. I couldn't help but squeal when Haruka kissed Usagi. It was absolutely adorable!
During the older version of Sailor Moon, I really couldn't stand Chibi-Usa. She was a spoiled brat and didn't respect anyone. So, when I started watching this series/season I didn't have high hopes for her. She already got on my nerves because of my preconceived thoughts on her. I have to say though... She has grown on me and she is much better in this season. She isn't as spoiled and she acts like an actual normal child. I can actually see her as a daughter of Usagi's instead of some spoiled child that randomly came to "visit". She is much better behaved and I enjoy watching her.
Chibi-Usa finally meets Hotaru in this season. As of yet, they still don't know she is Sailor Saturn. (By the way, She is my FAVORITE sailor scout. I absolutely love her! <3 father="" her="" meet="" p="" professor="" tomo.="" you="">
On the newest episode, Setsuna, A.k.a. Sailor Pluto, shows up and everyone is wondering why shes there. She was obviously reborn because she had to remember who she was. That was quickly solved when one of the bad guys attacked with flowers that sucked the life force out of her.
Let me get to the gist of it, The season makes me SUPER happy. I really enjoy watching it and I love that they took the CGI out. I really couldn't stand it. The transformations and attacks are SO much better WITHOUT the CGI.
I don't care what anyone says. CGI is awful in anime unles it's very subtle things.
This seasons songs are ok. They aren't my favorite.
I really recommend watching this season!
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